
aerial defence中文什么意思

发音:   用"aerial defence"造句
  • 防空。
  • aerial:    adj. 1.空气的,大气的,气体的。 2.航空的,空中 ...
  • defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫 ...
  • defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫物;〔pl.〕 【军事】防御工事,堡垒。 4.护身术。 5.【法律】(被告的)抗辩,答辩;被告一方(包括被告及其辩护律师)。 6.【体育】守方。 legal defence 正当防卫。 line of defence 【军事】防线。 national defence 国防。 The best defence is offence. 最好的防御是进攻,先下手为强。 counsel for the defence (刑事被告的)辩护人。 a defence against an attack 防御(敌人的)进攻。 defence in depth 纵深防御。 in defence of 以防卫,为保护…,为…辩护。 put oneself in the state of defence 摆开防御姿势。 the D- of the Realm Act 〔英国〕国防条例〔略 DORA,1914年8月的法令,规定政府在战争期间有广泛的权力〕。 the science [art] of defence 护身术[拳术、剑术等]。
  • for defence:    国防国务部长
  • in defence of:    保护,防护
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  1. This paper make a deep research in nonuniformity correction , median filter and data communication technology according to the design requirment of the aerial defence missile , and achieve the goal of the design with the fpga technology
  2. The research and development of the light vehicle - carried aerial defence missile system ( lvams ) is highly worthy not only for the development of our military force , but also for catching up with the tide of this technology
    “防空指挥车系统” (简称指挥车系统)的研发对于我军在这方面的c4isr [ 1 ]系统的发展,追赶这方面的技术潮流具有十分重要的实用军事价值。
  3. Based on the principles of ncw discussed , the present study delved further into the c2 system analyze of aerial defence missile network - centric operation with the aerial anti - ballistic missile as the battle background . the main work of this study can be stated as follows : firstly , the author made a deep research on the concepts , the essence and the cardinal fundamentals of ncw , and then made a thorough study on the integrity fire control ability and agility of the network - centric operation requirements , then analyzed the three - layer logical networks structure of the aerial defence missile system in ncw
  4. As a kind of representation of the idea of ncw , the essence of aerial defence missile network - centric operation is to connect every part of the adms within certain areas into a network , in order to utilize and exert the function and advantages of each battle system to the full extent , to shorten the responding time for aerial defence battle system , and thus to improve the whole battle efficiency


        aerial:    adj. 1.空气的,大气的,气体的。 2.航空的,空中 ...
        defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫 ...
        defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫物;〔pl.〕 【军事】防御工事,堡垒。 4.护身术。 5.【法律】(被告的)抗辩,答辩;被告一方(包括被告及其辩护律师)。 6.【体育】守方。 legal defence 正当防卫。 line of defence 【军事】防线。 national defence 国防。 The best defence is offence. 最好的防御是进攻,先下手为强。 counsel for the defence (刑事被告的)辩护人。 a defence against an attack 防御(敌人的)进攻。 defence in depth 纵深防御。 in defence of 以防卫,为保护…,为…辩护。 put oneself in the state of defence 摆开防御姿势。 the D- of the Realm Act 〔英国〕国防条例〔略 DORA,1914年8月的法令,规定政府在战争期间有广泛的权力〕。 the science [art] of defence 护身术[拳术、剑术等]。
        for defence:    国防国务部长
        in defence of:    保护,防护
        aerial:    adj. 1.空气的,大气的,气体的。 2.航空的,空中的。 3.空气一样的,空气一样轻的;无形的,空想的。 4.高耸空中的;生存在空中的,【植物;植物学】气生的。 aerial music 梦幻般的音乐。 aerial spires 高耸入云的塔尖。 n. 1.【无线电】天线。 2.救火云梯。
        a defence of poetry:    诗辩
        a defence of ryme:    捍卫韵文
        a written defence:    书面答辨
        absolute defence:    绝对抗辩
        act of defence:    防卫行为, 防卫行为
        active defence:    积极防御
        affirm defence:    积极的抗辩
        affirmative defence:    以新证据推翻原告所控事实的抗辩
        air defence:    防空。
        anti-defence:    反防守
        antiaircraft defence:    防空工事
        antimissile defence:    反导弹防御
        area defence:    区域防空; 区域防守
        avalanche defence:    雪崩防御墙
        backhand defence:    反手防守
        baiancing the defence:    防守补位
        balancing the defence:    防守补位
        balloon defence:    放高球防守
        blanket defence:    密集防守


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